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Whether You Need A Wordpress Hosted Website
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Inscrit le: 28 Juin 2019
Messages: 301
earasryhqaey est hors ligne 

MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 25, 10:15:20    Sujet du message:  Whether You Need A Wordpress Hosted Website
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Whether You Need A Wordpress Hosted Website
, Or You Can Buy A Domain And Point It To Wordpress.Com ECommerce Articles | June 2, 2014
The advantages of wordpress, and using it for your business. Leveraging on the back end of wordpress to give your business the boost it needs.

Wordpress allows you to create a website on its own domain name for free. That is, you can have your own website on a sub-domain. This is a very easy way to set up the website, and update it with the most recent scripts, and have the most recent themes etc.

The biggest disadvantage is that it is not suited for a business related website. A website where you purport to sell something
, or showcase your capability as a business. If you intend to sell something online it would be frightfully unprofessional to use wordpress. It would show that you don't have enough money to pay for a website and create a proper one.

If you did use a service whereby you could use wordpress, as the customer facing portion of the website, without having anyone find out what you used at the back end, that would be an ideal solution. This would give you all the advantages of wordpress, such as the economy, the speed and the efficiency - while keeping up face with the users of a professional looking website. Think of it like using a taxi
, as against using a company car. If you as a business owner make deliveries of supplies in a taxi - what message are you sending ? That you can't afford a delivery truck with your own branding on it. If you did have a company truck, which says your business name on it, it sends a more professional image of your business to your consumers.

It's the same deal with having a domain name and using wordpress on it. If you do that, users would know that you had the capability of having your own website, and building it on your own domain name.

This is not as expensive as it may seem, and indeed one of the advantages is that it is cheap
, but people would think that you had spent frightfully high sums of money on it. Wordpress in the background is a very efficient tool, that you can leverage on to solve almost all of your online presence requirements.

Wordpress is very quick to install, and it is free. It comes with many color styles and themes. So, if you cleverly chose a theme it would match with your company logo and go well with your overall branding scheme. Finding someone to design you a wordpress theme is not a very difficult task, it can be very easy. Websites such as elance and the like are laced with people who would be more than willing to do this for you, at a reasonable price of $50-$100
, based on the complexity.

Doing this, and buying your own domain and hosting can come to a total cost of $150, or even less. This can get you up and running with a website. Which is not bad in comparison to some of the other website designing services. Plus you get the facility of wordpress, and the ability to keep it up to date as it is updated. Wordpress frequently launches new versions of its script and fixes bugs and vulnerabilities in it, and it is extremely helpful to have an automated script to keep it updated so that you can have the most secure and established operating environment for your website.

Article Tags: Domain Name

High demand, little supply. By the end of 2016
, Belize tourism numbers clocked in at the highest EVER in the last 20 years. These overnight arrivals have grown 44% in the past five years alone! With 70-75% of all tourists who visit Belize heading straight to San Pedro, the number of hotel rooms being developed on Ambergris Caye in the next five years cannot sustain this kind of demand. Therefore, many industry experts predict Ambergris Caye real estate prices and hotel room rates to continue their strong upward trend.

English is the official language in Belize, including for all real estate transactions, legal matters, and business contracts. Who wants to be required to learn another language at retirement?

There is no capital gains tax
, and no estate tax in Belize. If you invest in a property that appreciates in value that you sell at a later date for a gain, the Belize government does not tax your earnings.

It鈥檚 an overnight rental market. Since Ambergris Caye is such a popular vacation destination, the market demand is for nightly rentals, as opposed to monthly rentals. This multiplies the income potential of many investment properties, and gives owners much more flexibility for personal use of their island getaway. For instance, it's not uncommon to see $400+ per night rental rates on properties that would otherwise rent for $1800 per month.

The income tax rate in Belize on all real estate rental income is only 1.75%!

Property taxes in Belize are extremely low 鈥?just a few hundred dollars annually on most new properties.

Belize is governed by British Common Law
, which for real estate investors means you can have full property ownership with land title, just as in the US and Canada. In other retirement destinations such as Mexico, foreign-born citizens cannot as easily own land in their own name.

The Belize QRP (Qualified Retirement Program) is generous and allows retiree status as young as 45 years old!

Asset protection. Foreign ownership can offer another layer of protection from litigation in the US.

Location, location, location. Not only is it one of the most spectacular places on earth, Belize is only a 2-hour flight from Miami
, and 2.5 hours from Houston. Most Americans live closer to Belize than Hawaii!

Ambergris Caye was rated as the TripAdvisor庐 #1 Island in the World two years in a row 2013-2014! In fact, this Caribbean island is the ONLY island in the world to receive this honor two years back-to-back!

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MessagePosté le: Mar Fév 25, 10:15:20    Sujet du message: Adv

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